For years Sauk Village has sought to overhaul its current 9-1-1 system however, due to the financial state of the village, upgrades to software were not purchased and employees were performing their
duties on outdated computers and laptops that were at least 8 years old.
Sauk Village's current software was outdated and costs to bring it up to date forced us to examine alternative solutions. CalComm offered several incentives to aid in our transition to their PSAP. And due to recent changes to Illinois State law, Sauk Village would have been required to consolidate within the next 5 years to a PSAP supporting more than 25000 people, so the licensing and upgrades to our existing system were deemed too costly, if we would have to pay for another software system upon joining another PSAP.
The decision to move forward with joint dispatching was necessary as a cost savings that over the next 10 years will save the taxpayers approximately $5 million dollars and was not a reflection on the service provided by our employees. The dispatcher’s bargaining unit was given the opportunity to meet or beat the cost of outsourcing, which they were unable to do. Dispatchers were provided with an outgoing severance package and offered jobs with the new dispatch center. We thank all of our former dispatchers for the years of service they provided to our residents
As of Tuesday, September 15, 2015, all 9-1-1 Emergency Calls for Sauk Village were transfer to the new state-of-the-art CalComm 9-1-1 Emergency Communications Center located at 12419 S. Ashland Avenue in Calumet Park.
Sauk Village will now have the latest technology that can handle large call volumes. CalComm is committed to responding quickly and efficiently to Sauk Village residents. The state-of-the-art technology will allow CalComm to fulfill that obligation faster and better. CalComm will operate as a Regional 9-1-1 Call Center for surrounding suburbs on a 24/7 basis.
The technology is “first in class” and capable of providing “text to 9-1-1” in a growing, wireless society. New technology means a more seamless link between 9-1-1 dispatchers and public safety responders for improved response times.
In addition, CalComm will be providing the Emergency Identification Sticker Program—Sauk Village has implemented a program to allow Emergency Personnel and Emergency Dispatchers (911) access to information pertaining to anyone having a medical disability or special need. The information is based upon address and is cross-referenced by name. Information you provide may be useful to public safety personnel responding to a request for service within the village response area.
This sticker number will contain information regarding a person's name, address, phone number, medical conditions, and medications, allergies to medications, special needs, and persons to contact in the event of an emergency. The sticker is available free of charge to any persons who reside in the village having a medical disability or special need.
In the event of an emergency public safety personnel will contact the CalComm 911 center and provide the identification number contained on the sticker. In doing so, Police, Fire, or EMS will be notified of any listed medical conditions/special needs or contact information.